Pilates training

Become a Pilates Teacher, come and train with Eva Winskill and prepare yourself to become a competent Pilates teacher.

All our Pilates Training

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Have your certified training courses financed by public financiers thanks to Qualiopi

During our PILATES training modules, provided by Fit Studio Le Loft, Eva Winskill teaches you the fundamentals of the original repertoire of Joseph Pilates. The PILATES teacher training includes hours of practice and observation time to master each movement and each posture in depth.

Train in PILATES or complete your initial training with our PILATES Matwork, Cadillac, Reformer, Wunda Chair and small equipment modules.

Appréhender la meilleure façon d’exécuter les exercices et les mouvements du répertoire PILATES de l’échauffement aux transitions pour préparer des sessions adaptées à tous les niveaux et toutes les problématiques. Devenez un professeur de PILATES performant et qualifié.

Tackle the entire PILATES repertoire with Fit Studio Le Loft. Structure your lessons by giving rhythm to your lessons, improve your knowledge to adapt the content of your group and private lessons to all of your clients.

During our PILATES training modules, you will be introduced to anatomy and biomechanics for an informed practice of Pilates. You will practice teaching PILATES classes by building high-quality sessions individually or collectively.

Complete certification training to “become a Pilates teacher” which covers several hours of practice and observations. Our training modules will cover the use of a mat, a Reformer, a Cadillac, a chair and the small equipment necessary for learning and teaching Pilates.


Bootcamp - Garuda - nordic walk - Pilates
Garuda - Pilates - Yoga

Pilates training


Our Pilates training is made for enthusiasts and professionals looking for a complete training.

You will find in this training a program adapted to each of your patients or clients.

Our Modules and Certifications

Total 94 hours + recommended practice and observation hours = 200 hours
Which includes:
Fundamental and Small Equipment: 28 hours over 4 days
Original Directory and One to One: 28 hours over 4 days
Practice weekend (x2): practice, observations and lessons: 28 hours over 4 days
10 hours of private lessons on devices
Price of MATWORK training lasting 1 year, €3490 – 20% = €2792

Total 178 hours plus the recommended practice and observation hours of 400 hours
Which includes:
Fundamental and Small Equipment: 28 hours over 4 days
Original Directory and One to One: 28 hours over 4 days
Reforming Cadillac 1: 9 p.m. over 3 days
Reformer Cadillac 2 and Spine Corrector: 21 hours over 3 days
Reform Cadillac 3 and Wunda Chair: 28 hours over 4 days
Practice weekend (x3): practice, observations and lessons: 42 hours over 6 days
10 hours of private lessons on devices
Price of MATWORK training lasting 1 year, €6910 – 20% = €5528

Fundamental €475/ Small Equipment €475 or Fundamental + Small Equipment €950
Original Directory/One to one: €950
Anatomy Back and Posture: 325€ (not obligatory but recommended)
Prenatal Postnatal and Senior: €325
10 hours of private lessons: €750
Practical weekend and observation: €420
Reformer/Cadillac: €1000
Reformer/Cadillac 2 Spine Corrector: €1000
Reformer/Cadillac 3 Wunda Chair: €1000
3 Reformer/Cadillac 1,2,3, Spine Corrector and Wunda Chair modules for a period of 1 year: €2700

  • Workshop and workshop on different topics

  • Matwork, Reformer, Cadillac, Barrel, Wunda Chair lessons

  • Personal Training with Eva Winskill and Laura Urbaniak

  • Fundamental, Intermediate, Advanced, Small Equipment, Reformer, Cadillac, One to One, Prenatal, Senior training….

  • Access to the room with Reformer, Cadillac equipment…

  • Observing lessons from Eva, Laura and other experienced teachers

For more information: contact Eva Winskill: 06 08 71 72 81 or fitstudio@wanadoo.fr

  • Possibility to pay in 4 to 10 instalments

  • If you are a professional, the agreement may be covered by the employer’s 1% to which all companies contribute. Make the request to your employer and contact Fit Studio to establish a training agreement.

The MOTR by Balanced Body

BODHI by Balanced Body

Why choose Fit Studio Le Loft Pilates?

Follow our Quali Opi certified training courses and have your training financed by public financiers

We have Quali Opi certification, the only certification allowing support
total and financial cost of your professional training.

The Quali Opi certification attests to the quality of the training process undertaken by Fit Studio Le Loft, it is the key to obtaining financing for your training
professional and attests to the quality of the training PILATES & GARUDA.

Our Fit Studio Le Loft training process complies with the requirements of
national quality benchmark. By opting for certified training, you will have the
possibility of having your training or additional training financed by
public or shared funds such as skills operators,
regional interprofessional joint committees, the State, the regions and the Pole

*Merci de prendre contact avec Fit Studio Le Loft pour plus d’informations concernant
l’ensemble de nos formations certifiantes et leurs prises en charge.

    Fit Studio is a renowned school in France which is known for its rigor and professionalism.

    Our teachers and trainers are qualified, competent and experienced.